Saturday, 28 August 2010

Does Your Natural Skin Care Product Pass The Acid Test?

We all know the importance of keeping our body hydrated. We can keep our skin hydrated by keeping our body hydrated, making sure we drink at plenty of natural mineral water as well as cutting down on substances that act as natural dehydrators – such as caffeine, sugary drinks and alcohol.

But we can also keep our skin hydrated by using natural skin care products contains an ingredient that does three important things - add moisture, lock in moisture and hold moisture. That ingredient, is Hyaluronic Acid.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

For the Best Natural Skin Care - Clean Up Your Act

When it comes to cleansing it isn’t a question of one size fits all – we should select our natural cleansers based on our skin type and condition and also the time of year.

Facial cleansing is one natural skin care routine that we should all – and I mean everyone – take care over. After all, what is the point in slathering our faces with lotions and potions aimed at healing, repairing, rejuvenating and keeping our skin in tip top condition – if we put them on dirty skin?

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Brush, Buff & Butter Up Your Beautiful Body

When it comes to good natural skin care routines, we always tend to focus on our faces. But it is also good to spend a bit of time getting the very best out of your beautiful body - naturally, of course. 

For a lot of the year we tend to cover up our lovely legs, sexy shoulders, boobs, bums and tums – in fact, as much of our body as is possible! But it really is very easy to keep your body not only glowing, but gleaming and totally glamorous by following these simple body beautiful tips…

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Cleanse, Quench, Protect, Rest and Enjoy!

I’m often asked when talking about natural skin care and organic skin care products, whether there are any quick fixes for keeping our skin looking and feeling great.

I’m not so sure these are “quick” fixes but they are my top 5 tips for keeping your skin in tip top condition...

Friday, 6 August 2010

Find Some Faith in Face Oils

For many people, the mere mention of the word 'oil' conjures up images of greasy, spotty, oil-slicks - and fears of adult acne, blackheads and bad skin rearing it's ugly, oily head! 

But in actual fact, using natural face oils won’t make your skin greasy or more oily – providing you select the right oils for your skin type, you’ll see a real improvement in the condition, look and feel or your skin - and I for one am a huge fan - here's why.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Oh Me, Oh My, Omega

It’s widely recognised that Omega 3 and 6 (also known as Essential Fatty Acids) are important when it comes to maintaining a healthy and balanced diet.

Not only are they are good for body and bones, they are literally essential for our skin and we can get these essential fatty acids by eating oily fish like mackerel, sardines, tuna and salmon. 

But as well as eating them, we should also look out for natural and organic skin care products that contain these Essential Fatty Acids - helping to keep our skin looking and feeling great.